Applying Probabilities
Potentially, you can apply the same predicted probability to three groups:
All Adults. If you see a way for your selected values to apply to all 260m adults, you can regard those values as targets to hit to increase (or decrease) the 17% (.17) and 45m numbers. To ensure they apply, hold constant every socio-demographic variable.
The Target.
When selecting socio-demographic criteria that are not universally applicable (e.g., not everyone falls within the 18-34 age range), the simulator generates a second set of results based on the actual size of the target population. For example, if you select Age ("18-34"), Urbanicity ("Suburban"), and Education ("BA/BS+"), the second set of results will correspond to a group of approximately 7 million adults.
Specific Individuals. If the values you choose are your own, or those of someone you had in mind, the resulting estimate will be your, or their, predicted probability.