Applying Probabilities
Potentially, you can apply the same predicted probability to three groups:
All likely voters. If you see a way for your selected values to apply to
all 71m likely voters,
you can regard those values as targets to hit to increase (or decrease)
the 57% (.57) and 40m numbers.
To ensure they apply, select hold constant for the Respondent Race socio-demographic variable.
The Target.
When selecting socio-demographic criteria that do not apply to all likely voters (e.g., not everyone can be Black or White), the simulator generates a second set of results based on the actual size of the target group. For instance, if you select "Black" for Respondent Race, this second set of results will focus on the 4.2 million Black likely voters in the US in November 1963.
Specific Individuals. If the values you choose are your own, or those of someone you had in mind, the resulting estimate will be your, or their, predicted probability.